Grades 1-5

At GCA, alongside academics, we value “arts” and “athletics” each as a medium to build within our students a sense of self-worth, while supporting each one to discover his/her God-given gifts. There are five classes for Grades 1 to 3 capped at 20 students, and four classes of 25 students in Grades 4 and 5.
Regular chapels and assembly performances in our theatre help the students learn valuable public speaking skills, and gain confidence in front of an audience. Our specialist educators in music work with the students starting in Grade 1 to help facilitate the assemblies, and give students the fundamentals in singing and reading music. Recorder is introduced in Grade 3, and ukulele instruction begins in Grade 5.
Physical education is introduced right at the start of their time at GCA, with a focus on building confidence and teaching fundamental sports and fitness skills to inspire life-long activity. Students participate in Phys Ed classes four days a week, and on the fifth day, they are provided with DPA (daily physical activity) time.
Theme Days help to spark playful imagination, and regular field trips allow our students to learn about the world directly from the source.
In Grades 4 and 5, a dyad model is introduced, with students alternating between two teachers for the core subjects. This change in format helps prepare our Elementary children to transition to Junior High in Grade 6. Students are also provided with a range of leadership opportunities at this time, along with other extra-curricular options.