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Ministry to Others


The Christian Education Program at Glenmore Christian Academy contains an element to foster the development of a “lifestyle of Christian service” in our youth.  Students in Grades 6–9 are required to complete a minimum number of 10 hours in which they offer service to God by providing service to others.


The purpose of the program is to have students involved in donating their time to help others so that they develop an appreciation for volunteer work. The objective is that students will come to see service to others as a lifestyle that seeks to give unselfishly for the benefit of others.


It is also a way of developing a life practice directed in: Matthew 22: 39 - “Love your neighbor as yourself”, and Micah 6:8  - “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”


Junior High students (grades 6-9) are expected to volunteer their time serving with nonprofit organizations or as random acts of kindness in their communities as a requirement for Christian Education servant leadership.  A minimum of 10 hours is required to be completed throughout the year (or at the beginning).  For example, by Term 1, a minimum of 3 hours are to be completed; by Term 2, a minimum of at least 6 hours are to be completed; and by June 1, all 10 hours are to be completed.  Grade 9 students will be required to complete their MTO hours as a prerequisite for their mission trip.


The minimum 10 hours equates to 20% of their overall Bible mark.  Students can begin accumulating their hours from July 1st.  In order to serve our greater community, a maximum of five hours are allowed from your local church. In addition, services to family members will not count towards MTO hours.

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