Alberta Education Reports & Rankings

Click on the link above to download our current Annual Education Results Report.
PAT (Provincial Achievement Test) Results 2023-24

Grade 6 - 5 Year Trend
% of Students Achieving Excellence
The highlighted areas show the percentage of GCA students achieving excellence in the corresponding subject area, with the percentage directly below relating to students in the province. Excellence is defined as: 79% or higher for Language Arts (ELA), 87% or higher for Math, 80% or higher for Science (SCI), and 82% or higher for Social Studies (SS). The final row shows the results of GCA students overall achieving excellence in comparison to the provincial standings.

Grade 9 - 5 Year Trend
% of Students Achieving Excellence
The highlighted areas show the percentage of GCA students achieving excellence in the corresponding subject area, with the percentage directly below relating to students in the province. Excellence is defined as: 81% or higher for Language Arts (ELA), 84% or higher for Math, 82% or higher for Science (SCI), and 80% or higher for Social Studies (SS). The final row shows the results of GCA students overall achieving excellence in comparison to the provincial standings.

The Fraser Institute bases its annual rankings on the Grade 6 PAT results. However, in order to be ranked by the institute, schools must be Kindergarten to Grade 6. While GCA, as a community, is Junior Kindergarten to Grade 9, we have two separate school "codes" with Alberta Education. That divides our school as Elementary (JK to Grade 5), and Junior High (Grade 6 to 9). As a consequence of this, GCA is not recognized as a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school, and therefore is not eligible to be included in the rankings.